URGENT RPA Update: Farming Equipment & Technology Fund Scheme Claims

The RPA Grants Services – Farming Equipment & Technology Fund scheme, have received only 25% of the claims  expected to date. The claim window closes on 31 October.  If the RPA receive 50% of the claims within the last 2 weeks of the claim window, as they did under the previous scheme, they have advised will not be able to pay all the claims within the current stated period of 30 working days.

It is understood that farmers are experiencing the same cost of living issues as the wider population, but with additional sector based cost pressures, and it may be that a larger number of customers do not intend to purchase the items and therefore won’t be submitting a claim. If you do intend to claim, it is likely that you will want to receive the grant funding as quickly as possible. The RPA have had a larger number of claimants than normal asking for the RPA to pay their claim as quickly as possible due to their financial circumstances, and while they are doing our best now, this will not be possible when the claims come in over the final 2 weeks.

If you are able to get your claims in now, the RPA will be able to pay them within 30 working days. If they come in with the rest of the claims nearer the deadline, the RPA are unlikely to be able to pay within 30 working days.