Key Dates

FINAL REMINDER – FETF Round 2 – Claims and supporting evidence must be in by 31 October

Key dates to be aware of (Source FAS 2022)
Some key dates to be aware of
1 October You can burn heather, rough grass, bracken, gorse or vaccinium on land in upland areas from this date (GAEC* 6)
1 October For any land located in an NVZ, this is the start of the closed period for applying organic manure with a high, readily available nitrogen content (for example slurry, poultry manures or liquid digested sewage sludge) to tillage land on soils that are not shallow or sandy (SMR** 1)
15 October For any land located in an NVZ, this is the start of the closed period for applying organic manure with a high readily available nitrogen content (for example slurry, poultry manures or liquid digested sewage sludge) to grassland on soils that are not shallow or sandy (SMR 1)  

In case you missed them… 1 August If you have been granted a derogation by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA), you may have been able to cut or trim hedges throughout August for the purpose of sowing oilseed rape or temporary grassland during that month. (GAEC 7a) 1 August For any land located in an NVZ, this was the start of the closed period for applying organic manure with a high, readily available nitrogen content (for example slurry, poultry manures or liquid digested sewage sludge) to tillage land on shallow or sandy soils except where crops would be sown on or before 15 September. (SMR 1)
1 September You can cut or trim hedges and trees from this date (GAEC 7a and GAEC 7c)
1 September For any land located in an NVZ, this is the start of the closed period for applying organic manure with a high readily available nitrogen content (for example slurry, poultry manures or liquid digested sewage sludge) to grassland on shallow or sandy soils (SMR 1)
1 September For any land located in an NVZ, this is the start of the closed period for applying manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to tillage land (SMR 1)
15 September For any land located in an NVZ, this is the start of the closed period for applying manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to grassland (SMR 1)
16 September For any land located in an NVZ, this is the start of the closed period for applying organic manure with a high readily available nitrogen content (for example slurry, poultry manures or liquid digested sewage sludge) to tillage land on shallow or sandy soils that have been sown with crops on or before 15 September (SMR 1) *GAEC = Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition **SMR = Statutory Management Requirements   For more details about the information provided in the key dates table, visit the Guide to cross compliance in England 2022 and Rural Payments Agency key dates 2022 pages of GOV.UK.